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      1. 液位計廠家,液位變送器廠家產品推薦
        信息來源: 差壓變送器生產 | 2019-04-11 點擊量: 5088


          Notes on installation of differential pressure transmitter:What should be paid attention to when installing differential pressure transmitter?Many people buy it back and don't install it,let alone mention some specific precautions.
          Differential pressure transmitter is a transmitter which measures the difference of pressure between two ends of the transmitter and outputs standard signals(such as 4-20mA,0-5V).
          Differential pressure transmitter differs from general pressure transmitter in that they have two pressure interfaces.Differential pressure transmitter is generally divided into positive pressure end and negative pressure end.Generally,the pressure of positive pressure end of differential pressure transmitter should be greater than that of negative pressure section to measure.
          The installation of differential pressure transmitter is directional.When installing,the high and low pressure end must be checked clearly.The pressure of high pressure end must be greater than that of low pressure end.Otherwise,the pressure transmitter will be damaged.When the pressure at both ends is the same,the general measurement parameter is 0.
          Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co.,Ltd.is a professional manufacturer of pressure transmitters.The common differential pressure transmitters are capacitive and rod diffused silicon.It is suitable for all kinds of media.
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